Connect to MySQL 5.7 from Python using SSL
In the previous blog we saw how to connect to MySQL Server 5.7 from PHP using SSL. In this entry I will describe the steps I took to connect to MySQL Server 5.7 from Python code. I used mysql-connector as the Python library. The default install (version 2.2.3) failed, so I had to install the previous version (v. 2.1.6). sudo pip install mysql-connector==2.1.6 The code to connect using Python is similar to PHP with similar parameters which have to be set. I did run into a few issues with my query not getting parsed if I passed query parameters as parameters. So I had to prepare the whole query and send it as a single complete query with no parameters in the 'execute' function. Below is my piece of working code. As I went further and tried to put data fetched from WoW API, I faced further problems with text encoding. I also had problems with creating multi line queries. I could not find a lot of discussion material on Stackoverflow. I found out though that Python 2...